QOTW (beta)


April 4, 2004: Honorable Mentions

Faithful Honorable Mentionites, your quotes:

"Obviously the Constitution isn't meant to protect YOUR right to bear arms! How could it? You weren't even alive when it was written; they didn't even know you!" -Julian

"That is one of the oldest tricks in politics: accuse your opponent of insanity. Of course, sometimes it's true. But Johnson wasn't insane; he was just inept and racist." -Mr. Harsanyi, on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson

"That's the whole point of education: to make biology and history so repetitive or traumatic that you have to remember." -Ms. Nulty

"The question isn't 'what's the curve,' it's 'what's the area under the curve." -Orlin, after Alex asked how much the Calculus AP is curved
"Is this some sort of virtual sex?" -Micheline after Jeff wanted to 'direct connect' over AIM

"Why do they always name quilting stores things like 'the pumpkin patch' why not 'the acid drop quilting shop'? I'd like an upper with that calico." -Beth LaDow, Kate's mom

"I fell into a burning ring of toast
And it burned burned burned
And my toast began to roast
And I ate ate ate
My ring of toast."

"They didn't conjugate verbs. They killed people." -Kate, challenging Mr. Conolly's Latin game.

"Burger King, the breakfast of champions" -Paul Cavallaro

"It's kind of funny how the large bills have people that, in the grand scheme of things, are kind of b-rate historical figures." -Alex George

-Dewey "OH MAN I'm finished" Cyr