QOTW (beta)


March 28, 2004: Honorable Mentions

"We use the advanced version. The basic version is for biologists, and other such people who do not understand technology." -Joel Voldman

"It's a big deal, because everywhere in Spain is measured in relation to this place. But it's sort of tough to find; it looks kind of like a manhole. So it's one of those understated big deal things." -Alicia, on the geographical center of Spain, which is designated by a plaque in the ground in the middle of Madrid

"High school just sucks, though... I don't have any good memories. Or bad memories." -Ez

"Your evil Spanish twin... [he'd] wear tight pants and boxer briefs, and have a whole lot of Spanish women." -Fiona, to Orlin

"There was a typo. A typo in my soul. Now I am a hardened recluse." -Roz

"Peter Jennings is like the gossip whore of the entire world." -Roz

"I really wish pianos would just fall out of the sky; it would be so much more exciting!" -Rose Kaufman

"Que americano." -Claudia, on a slow-motion flashing-lights moment in the movie Green Mile (Translation: "How American.")

"Can you hear the avalanche of dirty laundry coming across the Atlantic?" -Roz's mom, the day Roz was going to return from the Spanish exchange trip

-QOTW Management

P.S.: All opinions expressed in the above quotes are the opinions of the quoted, not of the quoter. In other words, I think biologists are some of the smartest, most technologically savvy people around. And they're very generous graders too. (Right, Ms. Nulty?)