QOTW (beta)


March 14, 2004: Honorable Mentions

For those of you clever enough to have signed up for Honorable Mentions long ago, I bring you the quotes that didn't quite make it:

"Let's face it: every day other than March 8 is international men's day." - Ms. Jackman, on the significance of International Women's Day
"I really want to believe there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but I think it's an oncoming train." - Larry
"Actually, a firebombing may have significantly improved my chances of getting into college." - Ms. Nulty, on the cause of a sudden drop in applications the year she applied
"But I'd take very good care of him! I'd feed him, and walk him daily, and bring him to Rome when the Pope died..." - Alex, making the case for keeping a cardinal as a pet
"Have you ever seen plastic fruit? Real plastic fruit?" - Ms. Folkman
"I think 'beginning to understand Joyce' is synonymous with 'depressing as hell.'" - Becca
"I am not a vector, I am a free man!" - Julian
"I dreamed I was a beer commercial -- I was a bunch of cowboys drinking." - Sam

That is all.
- Becca "banking on my laziness is always a solid investment" Thal