QOTW (beta)


February 29, 2004: Honorable Mentions

Gentlemen, undignified creatures of that lesser sex, and ladies;

This week's honorable mentions:

"Your mistakes" -Mr. Sherry, on where I lost my points on a math "quiz"
"Imagine it's hot magma. as opposed to the cold kind" -Mr. Phillips, scientist extraordinaire
"It's not that cold magma doesn't exist, it's just usually called rocks" -Rhett
"Can I get some, too?" Jude, on head lice
"It's not a good thing that your general behavoir in Spanish class is so absurd that we can't tell when you're trying to make a point and when you're just being a lunatic" -Ben Orlin, to Jeremy "Smith" Maitin-Shepherd
"You are nothing but an anti-immigrant, racist, classist, sexist, big, opressing, straight, American, White man, Roswell Thomas! Quote me on that!!!" -Donna, being quoted
"And you thought Hamlet was Pooh's best friend" -Ben Miller, punster extraordinaire

Ooh, that made me feel all good and warm on the inside. Now get back to Kanga, Roo, Piglet or whomever.

Ben "five weeks 'til opening day" Miller