QOTW (beta)


August 31, 2003:

QOTW Members:

This is the last week of the summer for me. This means that next week voting will reopen, starting with a "Quote of the Summer" one-week championship, featuring what I dub to be the ten best quotes featured in QOTW this summer. You, the voters, will choose the single best.

By the way, sign up for Honorable Mentions. I can't spell it out any clearer than that. (H-O-N-O...)

Anyway, this week's quotes:
"Well, that was just a random condom, now wasn't it?" -Quinn, in a classic Freudian slip. (Context would indicate she meant to say "comment" instead of "condom.")
"When your parents try to starve you to death, it's a sign of a dysfunctional family." -Julian
"All my candy is slowly disappearing. I'll trade you two bags of peanuts for something useful." -Roz, after stuffing an entire Milky Way from his goodie bag into his mouth
"Katy, you have a speech impedididi... that's ironic." -Allie
"What do you say when an Islamic fundamentalist hits a spectator at a baseball game? The Shi'ite has hit the fan." -Miller
"Now we're teenagers. We sit and watch movies and eat the house out." -Dewey, on human aging
"Wild retarded furry people." -Roz, on monkeys
"It's like polo with spikes. I think I'd be good at that." -Neil, on the ancient Roman cavalry
"'All is clam'?" -Cameron, age 7, misreading the lyrics to "Silent Night"
"Today is extra syllable Saturday." -Jenn, pronouncing "extra" like "ex-ter-a"

-Ben "utility guy" Orlin