QOTW (beta)


August 16, 2003:

QOTW Members:

Okay, so nobody said anything funny this week. This may depress you, but not nearly so much as it depresses me. There were days this week where I would go out and live in the world and have conversations, and for entire 24- or 36-hour stretches nothing QOTW-worthy would happen to me. That just sucks the life out of my summer.

So here's a "Best of Julian" rerun, with all of Julian's best quotes from Season One of QOTW. Enjoy.

"Gender is an illusion."
"If there's one thing humanity is good at, it's making weapons."
"Isaac Asimov once said, 'Science fiction is not to predict the future, it's to prevent it.' The same thing applies to sitcoms." -Julian
"You have PLENTY of body hair." -Julian, to Alex
"The Metro of Justice has been defoliated."
"It's impolite to talk about murder at the dinner table, especially if the person you're planning to murder is there."
"You know what they say; all work and no play makes Commonwealth students explode in huge fireballs, destroying themselves and the buildings they were standing in."
"I am the most modest! Go me!"
"True enlightenment is not reached through squinting."
"This is the beginning of my invasion. First your chair, then your country!"

Okay, so maybe that was ALL of Julian's quotes from Season One. If you have issues with their quality, you know who to complain to (hint: Julian, not me).

-Ben "you know that your baseball allegiances are screwed up when you're rooting for a blackout" Orlin

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