QOTW (beta)


July 13, 2003:

QOTW Members:

Welcome to the new QOTW members. Your ranks have now grown to 46. There are more of you than there are third-party congressmen in the United States of America. There are more of you than there are species of australopithecine. There are more of you than there are Vanilla Ice fans still alive.

To those of you who have not yet joined the QOTW Honorable Mentions Club: Join now to double your weekly ration of humorous quotes. There's no time to waste.

This week's quotes:
"Whenever I stand up, I feel like Harry Potter when Voldemort's around." -Nora, on her headache
"You are as dense as a neutron star." -Nick
"So, donating money to the science museum is like throwing it into a black hole!" -Roz, feeding pennies into a gravity-well shaped funnel at the Museum of Science
"I think that's what we call an internal transaction." -Jon Miller, in response to the quote "[New York Yankees owner] George Steinbrenner really has sold out to the devil."
"I don't think I could possibly enumerate the number of things I am NOT doing." -Jenn, in response to the question "What's up?"
"Without my glasses I am as blind as a bat with a sore throat." -Nick
"Latin is not very compatible with AIM. Or today's modern youth, for that matter." -Roz
"Ah, the Charles River Whitefish." -Rick, sailor, on condoms floating in the river
"It's changed: they don't have fascism to keep everyone safe anymore." -Roz's mom, on Spain
"Fire extinguisher is next to the stove. It works well, as Ben can attest." -Ellen Miller, mother of Ben Miller, giving instructions to guests

-Ben "sugarcoated for mainstream consumption" Orlin