QOTW (beta)


May 15, 2003: Honorable Mentions

The winner this week was "We have a long tradition in society of dividing life into public and private spheres. There's a wonderful invention called a door." -Mr. Wharton, addressing the sophomores' inappropriate behavior

"That would make one kickass video game." -John, on dogs playing baseball
"Grady looks a little more constipated than usual." -John, on the Red Sox losing 8-1. Grady Little is the Red Sox' manager.
"No, I don't smoke Latin." -Joanna
"Ben, you're not man enough to wear glasses." -Reilly, to Miller
"For many of you, the production department seems to have--as they say--tanked." -Mr. Davis, addressing his Short Story class
"Wait, are you equating Emily to the Western Front?" -Josh, to Julian
"It would be really funny to se a dog charge the mound. He could bite Clemens in the leg or something, and even if he got suspended, you could just get another dog." -John, on the advantages of putting a dog on a baseball team
"I think some chrysanthemums would be suiting." -John, after the Red Sox got two quick outs down by three runs in the ninth inning
"Ay, they call him Womanizing Weisman." -Joanna, on Mr. Weisman
"They grow nanotubes? That's really cool. Do they have to water them and stuff?" -Teddy, on carbon nanotubes
"I'm going to talk about sex again, because it came up at a teachers' meeting a few days ago." -Mr. Wharton
"The final scene's going to be the director saying, 'Your name's not Neo, it's Keanu Reeves, and here's a sack of money.'" -Mr. Weisman, on the third Matrix film, after seeing the second one
"Don't worry, I'm not throwing the BOW out the window..." -Miller, picking up Joanna near an open window
"I'm sorry, the forties are not a viable decade." -Jenn
"Who checks the credit of a king?" -Becky, on Medieval banks giving bad loans to French kings in the 14th century and going bankrupt as a result
"I just realized the [dance] YMCA emphatically does not work with one arm. Imagine the poor amputees..." -Becca
"If other people see me drinking from it, they'll think I'm easy." -Roz, on a 'slutty' North Station water fountain

-QOTW Management